My first big job is proving to be a little harder than I thought. I thought going green was a great idea and my new little tree was to show just how green [ and blue ] I am. Pity I have not got a clue about what I am doing - but I make it up as I go along [ on my bike]

Monday, October 09, 2006

North Korea

Blimey - what can I say - some little chaps in a far off place have detonated some sort of bomb underground and I don't know what to say . The chap in charge is called the Great Leader - that's a bit much cos' that's what I want to be. I suppose they are not so dangerous as Blair's chum Barmey Bush. The dynamic duo must be making plans to start an anti -nuclear war against the little chaps and the other middle east mob who are also toying with big bombs.
Thank God the world is a much safer place with two such honest men starting wars all over the place just to save us from terrorism -. Funny that they are thousands of miles from the slaughter and they don't send their kids to get blown up and shot. If they really want to fight terrorism why don't they start at home - where they let thousands into their own countries without a second thought and now give them housing and incomes that they could only previously dream about. Funny old world - but hey - what has happened - I have nearly made some political point. Better shut up in case any one thinks I oppose my chum Bliar !


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